Thursday April 3rd, 11:00am-12:pm PST
Superpower LIVE with Danny Blitz
Have you ever asked those you love and have departed this life to give you a sign? To help you make a decision? To ensure a pet is feeling vibrant again?
In this very special episode, Hollister Rand, Medium and Author, will allow your loved ones to speak through her, to you.
To those who hope for their loved ones to send a message, we will ask that you turn your video on as soon as we give you the green light. If you wish only to watch, keep your video off.
Such a program on "Superpower LIVE!" will be a first....and a VERY exciting one, indeed!
Hosted on Zoom
Tickets: FREE
Saturday April 5th, 7:00pm-8:30pm PST
Messages From Loved Ones In Spirit with Author and Acclaimed Medium Hollister Rand
Hollister will provide specific messages from loved ones in spirit at this gallery style event.
25260 La Paz Rd Suite D, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Tickets: $50 pre registered / $55 at the door
Please call (949) 457-0797 to RSVP
Sunday April 6th, 2:00pm-4:00pm PST
When times are changing that's when the spirits can help us the most. Medium Hollister Rand provides specific messages from loved ones living in the spirit world.
Experience spirit communication in an up close and personal way. Hear what loved ones have to say about your life in a friendly and comfortable setting. Sit with Hollister as she feels, sees, hears and connects to those who want to say hello to you.
This is an intimate event limited to 10 people, 18 years of age or older. Everyone in attendance receives a message. Please note that this is a public group setting and is different experience than that of a private session.
25260 La Paz Road #Suite D Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Tickets: $225
Saturday April 12th, 2:00pm-3:10pm PST
Experience spirit communication in an up close and personal way. Hear what loved ones have to say about your life in a friendly and comfortable setting. This is an intimate event limited to 5 people, 18 years of age or older. Everyone in attendance receives a message.
Hosted on Zoom
Tickets: $195
What is a Spirit Salon?
A topical, transformative, and intimate learning experience with Medium Hollister Rand - - and the spirits. Each Salon incorporates spirit messages and targets timely subjects.
To sign up for Hollister's monthly no-cost email newsletters with personal articles written by Hollister, updates and her upcoming events click here: